Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa for Non EU/EEA Nationals

Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa For Non EU/EEA Nationals

Digital Nomads are remote workers who travel to different locations and use modern technology to remotely work from independent locations.

The covid pandemic has moved remote work into the spotlight over the last 2 years and the government of Cyprus has recently introduced a new scheme the Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa. 

According to the Digital Nomad Visa, Non EU/EEA nationals can temporarily reside in Cyprus and remotely work for an employer registered abroad or perform self-employment through telecommunications technology for companies or clients abroad. 

The Digital Nomad Visa is valid for 1 year, with a possibility of renewal for further 2 years. Digital Nomads’ family members have the right to reside for the same period as them, without though having the right to be employed in Cyprus.  If a Digital Nomad resides in Cyprus for a period that in total exceeds 183 days then he will be considered tax resident of Cyprus and be benefited by the Cyprus tax system. 

The main criteria for obtaining the Digital Nomad Visa are to prove the following: 

  1. The digital nomad’s work can be performed remotely and through telecommunications technology;
  2. The digital nomad has stable and sufficient monthly net income of at least €3500 (after the deduction of contributions and taxes). Note: The above amount is increased by 20% for the spouse or partner and by 15% for each child

Evagoras Anastasiou and Associates LLC focuses on each client individually, providing the best legal service in the Immigration field. The firm’s immigration law department consists of the most professional lawyers who possess the right knowledge and expertise in this field of legal practice and can assist you in obtaining the Digital Nomad Visa for you and your family.

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